Pressing On


A study of the Scriptures to discover who God is, what He is like, and how to partner with Him now.

Filtering by Tag: happy

Like a well-fed tree

So far, we’ve looked at the first two verses of Psalm 1:

Psalm 1:1-2
How happy is the one who does not
walk in the advice of the wicked or
stand in the pathway with sinners or
sit in the company of mockers!

Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction,
and he meditates on it day and night.

Happiness isn’t the only benefit of making wise choices when it comes to who has influence in our lives.  The next verse tells us the continued benefits of having the Lord’s instruction determining how we live our life:

Psalm 1:3
He is like a tree planted beside flowing streams
that bears its fruit in its season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.

As the wise person substitutes the Lord’s instruction in place of the advice/direction of godless others, this leads him to become like an abundantly prosperous tree.  Given the number of lines used to describe this tree, our psalmist must see this is an important comparison.  So, let’s stop and think about it: How is this prosperous tree “healthy”?  How does the psalmist describe it?

First thing we notice about tree are usually the leaves.  Effort and energy-wise, leaves are cheap for the tree to produce; however, they are often the first thing to change if a tree is unhealthy.  Leaves that have discoloration or fall off too early in the year, especially due to the summer’s heat, indicate that the tree is struggling in some manner.  The opposite, of course, is also true: if a tree has full, green leaves and stays vibrant even after difficult weather, then we know the tree is strong and in good health.

The psalmist also states that the tree produces fruit; but specifically that it bears its fruit in its season.  Fruit in-season is useful, beautiful, and delicious…whereas fruit out-of-season doesn’t fully reach maturity and tastes bland or sometimes even bad.  One of my favorite songs refers to many of us as “misguided roses” who bloom in October, just in time for the season’s first snowstorm.  No matter how lovely the flower could have been, it can’t reach maturity because it arrived so late out-of-season.

Lastly, think about what size the trees are when they are planted next to flowing streams.  They are not tiny sprigs…they are HUGE, strong, and healthy because they are constantly fed by the river directly and by the ground, which is kept fertile by the river deposits

I really like the descriptor of the Lord’s instruction being like flowing streams – because most people assume that reading the Bible and living God’s way are boring and rigid, both in this life (we can’t have fun) and the next life (Heaven is just sitting on clouds, strumming harps).  However, the psalmist compares the Lord’s instruction to flowing streams.  This vibrant imagery communicates that the water is not stagnant, it’s not dead.  The constant input from these live waters bring various nutrients and growth factors to the one who wisely chooses to listen to the Lord.

This isn’t the only time a follower of the Lord was described this way.  Here’s what the prophet Jeremiah recorded of the Lord’s words to Israel:

Jeremiah 17:7-8
The person who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord, is blessed.
He will be like a tree planted by water:
it sends its roots out toward a stream,
it doesn’t fear when heat comes,
and its foliage remains green.
It will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit.

One last piece of information to share about these flowing streams.  In the New Manners and Customs of the Bible, we find this interesting cultural insight:

Several commentators call attention to the fact that the Hebrew words palge-mayim, here rendered streams of water by the NIV and rivers of water by the KJV, literally means divisions of waters, and most likely refers to the favorite mode of irrigation in some ancient Middle-East countries. Canals were dug in every direction, and through these the water was carried to all the vegetation. Egypt was once covered with these canals, and in this way the waters of the Nile were carried to every part of the valley through which the river ran. Some gardens were so arranged that water was conveyed around every plot and even to every tree.

The streams of Palestine regularly dried up, but the irrigation canals that came off the great rivers never did.  When we intentionally irrigate our lives with God’s word, we don’t go dry.  We are successful in all areas that we should be.  Successfully trees produce good fruit…they don’t fly, or swim, or anything else, they successfully do what they were created to do.

This is the psalmist’s analogy:
Flowing streams feed the tree, which leads to the tree bearing fruit in season, with leaves do not wither
meditating on the Lord’s instruction day and night, which leads to a successful, wise life that thrives even when hard circumstances come.

This is our challenge to face, based on Psalm 1:3 – Be intentional about spending purposeful, active, and regular time in God’s Word.  Think about God’s word and apply it to your life.  Then, you will be successful in what God has created you to do.

Keep Pressing,

What is meditation, really?

We’ve been looking at the beginning verses of Psalm 1 and have found guidance on where to expect happiness and where not to expect happiness.

Psalm 1:1
How happy is the one who does not
walk in the advice of the wicked or
stand in the pathway with sinners or
sit in the company of mockers!

Psalm 1:2
Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction,
and he meditates on it day and night.

However, I’m pretty sure I can hear your thoughts…

Seriously, Ken?  All I have to do to be happy is to read my Bible more?  And…somehow find “delight” in doing so?  I’ll admit some parts are interesting and other parts are easy to understand, but you’ve got to admit there’s a lot challenging things in there.  It’s really hard to “delight” in something that is a struggle to read.

I understand, and I agree…but my suggestion to help you connect delight with the Lord’s instruction is in the second half of the same verse: meditate on it day and night.

But what is meditation, really?  And how do we do it?  Is there a certain phrase to repeat or setting we need to be in to meditate properly?  It’s tough to know when there’s so many mixed messages about it in culture.  Meditation is used for jokes in kids’ shows and often portrayed as hippie mysticism in adult shows.  We hear stories of monks who silently meditate all day, every day.  Some parts of Christianity avoid it entirely, while other Christians advocate it as an essential spiritual discipline.  So what are we to do when read verses like Psalm 1:2?

We always want to avoid putting a modern spin or definition on how we interpret the text, so the first thing we do is look at how the original writer/reader would have understood the practice of meditation.

meditate (Hebrew: hagah) – ponder, give serious thought and consideration to selected information, with a possible implication of speaking in low tones reviewing the material, to mutter, to make a judgement about something after a thought process

From this definition, we see that meditation is intentional, not accidental.  Biblical meditation is mulling over the Lord’s instruction, it is not any of the examples or definitions we find in other cultures or religions.  There is no “emptying the mind” to find out what new thought will eventually fill it,  or “centering” on one word repeated over and over.  Looking at a one-for-one Hebrew-to-English translation of the second part of Psalm 1:2 can also help us see the emphasis of the verse:

mediate torah himself day night

God desires for His people to think about His words throughout their day.  For an example, we can look back to one of the pivotal moments in Israel’s history.  Just as they were getting ready to enter into the Promised Land, Moses gave meditative-like instructions to the Israelites.  Life was about to change for them, in a big way, as soon as they crossed the Jordan River.  They would need to remember who they were and whose they were.  Moses knew they would only remember these truths if they found ways to incorporate God’s words into their daily lives:

Deuteronomy 6:6-9
These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart.  Repeat them to your children.  Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead.  Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your city gates.

God’s words were to be a part of their daily lives, which would help the Israelites think about them throughout their day.  Lastly, notice how Psalm 1:1 and 1:2 are contrasted between action and contented thinking:
walk/stand/sit                                vs           meditate
wicked/sinners/mockers           vs          the Lord
advice/pathway/company        vs           instruction

From this contrast, we realize that our happiness is not found in the actions of the first column, instead it will be found as we allow God to renew our minds with His truth.

How can we apply this Biblical method of meditation to Scripture?  It involves examining a passage, thinking about it, praying about it, and exhorting ourselves to fulfill it.  It can include talking with others about it or intentionally having reminders of the passage show up at different parts of our day. 

A godly person is not influenced by unrighteous people, but by his mediations on the Word of God.  Biblical meditation does not mean emptying our minds, instead it is about filling our minds with God’s Word…but only if we desire to do so.

Keep Pressing,

Two paths, but only one leads to happiness

Last time, we looked at the beginning of Psalm 1, and we found strong advice on where not to go for our happiness:

 Psalm 1:1
How happy is the one who does not
walk in the advice of the wicked or
stand in the pathway with sinners or
sit in the company of mockers!

The second verse tells us where to go to find our happiness:

Psalm 1:2
Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction,
and he meditates on it day and night.

Hebrew psalms and proverbs were commonly written in parallel form, comparing and contrasting two aspects of life – in this case, the psalmist is contrasting a life lived with God’s input and a life lived without it.

We have to be careful here.  There is a trap that snares a lot of modern Christians when they read the Bible, and especially when they read Old Testament passages – although easy to do, there is no evidence here that we should read this text as a contrast of “saved” vs “unsaved”. 

Instead, remember the context of the psalm – the text was written as a poem/song for Israel, very likely before the Babylonian exile.  That puts the date as roughly 1000 BC.  At that time in history, the nation of Israel was in good world-political standing, they were prosperous, and they were not under the rule of any other nation.  The Mosaic Law was in full force (referred to in the psalm as the Lord’s instruction, and animal sacrifices were part of daily living).  As such, this psalm is about a way of life, not how to change one’s eternal destiny.

Therefore, based on the context, the topic of Psalm 1 is not “those who have everlasting life vs those who do not have everlasting life”…instead, it is “those who are blessed/happy vs those who are not blessed/happy”.

With this psalm, the Israelites are given a choice.  Being presented with two paths is not a new concept for them, either.  Compare Psalm 1:1-2 with what Moses told the Israelites before they entered the Promised Land:

Deuteronomy 11:26-28
Look, today I set before you a blessing and a curse: there will be a blessing, if you obey the commands of the Lord your God I am giving you today, and a curse, if you do not obey the commands of the Lord your God and you turn aside from the path I command you today by following other gods you have not known.

It’s not always easy to see where certain paths lead.  Like Proverbs 14:12 says “there is a way that seems right to a person…”.  Some bad paths may not look bad, at least at first.  This is why God gives us so many warnings in Scripture, and putting this poem/song at the beginning of the book of Psalms is a great way to start the entire book.  Starting with this kind of warning is a “first things first” approach to teaching the nation of Israel about their relationship with God.  Beginning with the End in mind will help them discern the choices and paths before them.

Looking at Psalm 1:1-2, we see that happiness comes from avoiding the habits of the wicked and replacing that constant input with the Lord’s continuous instruction.

The two paths presented look like this:

walking in advice of the wicked
standing in the pathway with sinners
sitting in the company of mockers
delighting in the LORD’s instruction and meditating on it day and night

But verse 2 is counter-intuitive, isn’t it?  It’s not often that we connect delight and the Lord’s instruction.  Those aren’t concepts that we usually put together.

But think back to whatever timeframe you consider the “best times” in your life so far…were you following the advice of the wicked, or choosing a life characterized by sin, or actively participating with those who mock God’s ways?  My suspicion is that your “best times” were not characterized by these kinds of activities.  I would even go a step further and suggest that your “best times” were when you were following God’s advice and path for your life.

I can personally attest to this.  Both of the following statements are true for me and my family:
·       The happiest times in my life have been when I am intentionally studying and enjoying God’s Word.  The constant input of God’s influence kept me from wandering to other, more dangerous paths.
·       The happiest times in my marriage have been when both my wife and I are intentionally studying and enjoying God’s Word…and doing so with other godly people of all ages, as a mentor, peers, or younger believers.

Just like the Israelites, we have a choice of two paths: God’s design in His Word or the advice of those who reject God’s way.  One path leads to happiness and life of blessing, the other to unhappiness – while living under God’s curse and displeasure.

Keep Pressing,

Is "happy" ok?

Have you ever noticed how divisive the word “happy” has become in Christian circles?

 It seems strange to even type that sentence, but I’ve heard preaching that said:
·       God wants you to be happy
·       Happiness is fleeting and based on circumstances, instead we should focus on being joyful
·       “Happy Christians” aren’t serious about their faith, they’re just focused on “playing nice”
·       Pursuing happiness in this life is shallow theology
·       We shouldn’t find happiness in our stuff
·       We should be happy and grateful for the stuff God gives us
·       Happiness is a symptom, not the goal

Overall, I’d say the majority of Christian teaching I’ve been exposed to has generally said that happiness – as a pursuit or priority – is a bad thing for a believer.  To sum up what I heard taught:

Happiness is considered too shallow for those who are spiritual and godly; instead, we should focus on God’s more significant desires.  And if by doing those more significant things for God, you become happy or even stoically joyful, then that’s alright…but don’t expect God to be directly interested in making sure you feel “happy”.

And then, I open my CSB translation study Bible and read the first verse of the first psalm:

Psalm 1:1
How happy is the one who does not
walk in the advice of the wicked or
stand in the pathway with sinners or
sit in the company of mockers!

Hrm…how about that? 

Sure looks like God considers happiness as a good thing…and it appears to be a positive result when we make wise choices about the relationships we keep.

But let’s dig a little deeper, shall we?  When I look up the Hebrew word for happy (ashre), I find that the Greek equivalent (makarios) is found in Jesus’ beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount.  You know, the teaching where Jesus repeatedly said “Blessed are those who…”?  Well, you could legitimately go to Matthew 5:3-11, substitute in the word “happy”, and read “Happy are those who…”.

In Hebrew, happy (ashre) is defined as heightened state of joy, implying very favorable circumstances and enjoyment.  When used, the word also suggests a state of prosperity or happiness from a superior bestowed on another.  It also seems to contain a congratulatory element.

With this Hebrew-usage definition, we understand that God gives happiness as a reward for making wise choices.  He gives His favor to those who have done well.  If we take this definition, and place it in the context of Psalm 1:1, we are told where our happiness and God’s favor is definitely not found:

Psalm 1:1
How happy is the one who does not
walk in the advice of the wicked or
stand in the pathway with sinners or
sit in the company of mockers!

Three levels of person-to-person interaction are presented – each one details a level of relationship we can have with anyone.  As the psalm continues, the relationships become more intense.  We move from a being casually influenced by ungodly people to being someone who shares life with those who show contempt and scorn for God and His ways.

The three activities listed – counsel, way, and company – point out that the righteous are to avoid thinking like, behaving like, and dealing with the wicked.  If you are not characterized by evil influence, then you are happy – because you are in right relationship with God and He rewards those who pursue His ways.

This isn’t the only time God gave the Israelites this kind of warning, either.  Here’s just one example:

Proverbs 4:14-15
Keep off the path of the wicked; don’t proceed on the way of evil ones.
Avoid it; don’t travel on it.
Turn away from it, and pass it by.

Of course, the psalmist was not telling the Israelites to form a holy huddle and exclude all non-Israelites from their lives (even Paul recognized the impossibility of Christians doing so in 1 Corinthians 5:9-10).  The warning here is to not be influenced by those by who are not following God’s path.

Perhaps we can sum up Psalm 1:1 like this:

Don’t rely on the ungodly for what only God can provide.  Happiness is not found in a wicked person’s advice, lifestyle, or company.

As we continue through the psalm, we’ll see what we need to do in order to find and maintain this God-bestowed happiness.  But for starters, let’s make sure we are avoiding the things that we know will not bring us God’s favor.

Keep Pressing,

Intentionally written, intentionally read

There are times in our lives when we recognize that we are lacking, that we need to remember certain information or develop a particular skill.  The wise response to this realization is the choice to grow, but it is also just the first step in the process.  The hard part is to actually put forth the effort and energy to make sure we retain the desired information or develop the required skill.

The author of Psalm 119 apparently felt this way also.  The psalm forms the longest chapter in the Bible, with 176 verses.  However, the structure of the psalm is just as striking as the subject matter.

The psalmist’s main topic is his relationship with God, through His revealed word.  The psalmist marvels at the depth and riches provided by the Scriptures as they point toward the ultimate relationship of our lives.  The author thought so highly of the topic, that not only did he discuss it for 176 verses, but he intentionally wrote the psalm in a format that would make it easy to memorize.

Psalm 119 is divided into 22 sections of 8 verses each.  Each section corresponds to one of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet.  In fact, each of the 8 verses in every section begin with a word that starts with the same letter.  For example, the first word of the first 8 verses always begin with the letter Alef; the first word of the second 8 verses always begin with the letter Bet; and the pattern continues through all 22 Hebrew letters.

Why would the author go to this level of detail? 

The psalmist is providing the ABC’s of a relationship with God, in a format that would make it easy to memorize.  This level of intentionality shows how important the psalm’s topic is to the author.  Pick a letter, any letter – because having even one section, just 8 verses, committed to memory would form a bedrock reminder of how our relationship with God is founded upon our handling of God’s Scriptures.

We’re going to look though several sections of Psalm 119.  I would highly encourage you to read through all 22 sections…but not in one sitting.  This psalm isn’t a microwave meal, it is meant to be slow-cooked and allowed to simmer in our minds.  Since the author intentionally wrote it that way, let’s handle it that way also.

The first verse sets the tone for the entire psalm:

Psalm 119:1
How happy are those whose way is blameless, who live according to the law of the Lord!

Other translations render the first word of the “Alef” section as Joyful or Blessed…and this feeling, this state of mind, is a direct result of us living our lives according to the law of the Lord

Do we believe him?  Given the amount of effort the author has put forth for this psalm, let’s intentionally look at the Scriptures and find out.

Keep Pressing,